Kripik tempe is an industrial product in the village of Rawaapu, Patimuan, Cilacap. Kripik tempe products in the village of Rawaapu become into a home-based industry, is managed by many women. Tempe thinly sliced and dipped into dilute flour dough and then fried in coconut oil until dry. The result is a crispy chips, savory and delicious.
Kripik tempe which has been fried then wrapped in plastic packaging contains approx 8 pieces. Packaging labels with enough paper bearing the brand and the address of the manufacturer. Each packet of crisps sold in wholes market town with a price of Rp 2,500,-and then the retail sale price of Rp 3,000,-
To make a savory keripik tempe , we need precision and cleanliness. Tempe must be made from soy which is nice, so that at the time of fermentation, it feels not bitter. Soy good also make easier to carve tempe becomes thin sheet. In addition, the coconut oil used to be good quality to make the chips is fragrance and not sangit. While the tempe itself is taken from the Subdistrict Sidareja and Gandrung which known as the manufacturer of tempe mendoan.
Product marketing home-based industries in the village of Rawaapu during this time is not difficult. They are entrusting their products in small stalls and market town. The number of requests of goods usually takes place during the holidays because a lot of the villagers working outside the Rawaapu region buy Kripik Tempe as souvenirs.
The industry is capable of being family income, especially after a period of cultivation of rice. After the harvest, many unemployed wait for the harvest of rice. Ordinary citizens refer to it as famines. Because of difficult income, finally many women is taken the initiative to make a home industry and pitchman. And now the business is already a successful home-based business opportunities.
Here's how to make Kripik Tempe:
• materials needed:
Tapioca flour
Flour of rice
Coconut milk
Egg yolk
Paper powder
Garlic powder
Slice orange leaves
Oil for frying
• Manner of making:
1 .Thinly sliced tempe.
2 .Made of dough from flour of rice, tapioca flour, coconut milk, egg yolks and water, and then stir.
3 .Put the seasoning and the slice orange leaves, and the then stir.
4 .Dip one by one of the slice of tempe in dough of flour, fry it in hot oil.
The characteritic of Keripik Tempe bussines in Rawaapu Village :
• This business managed with capital limited.
• Labor derived from family members.
• The owner or manager is a member of their own family.
• Sales first conducted in the environment.
• Product could be noted for marketing word of mouth consumers.